Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
Pre-production, production, post-production. Pre-production, production, post-production.
I can finally take a break from all those crazy filming. A break from school till 10th Jan 2011 :> Time flies. It will be year 2011 in less than 2 months' time.
Here is the trailer of the 12 short films done by NAFA year 2 and 3 video production students. Yay for winning the best picture & best screenplay for our group's film :> (Guess which! :p)