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Showing posts from February, 2010
Sigh. I think all the shitloads of assignments killed a lot of my normal brain cells )': Things to buy - 10 A3 mounting board - A3 transparency - More blue yellow red poster colors - Acrylic paints - Like 2 more sketchbooks - More things for western painting class Assignments to be completed Graphic design: Watches design and business card design. Design color: Redo tones and color harmony thanks to the rain. The four color print out thing, the cut and paste for the four colors thing, painting of the four colors thing. Design drawing: The whole sketchbook filled with human drawings. Letter form: Start on my Bodini font design. Visual Culture: The whole damn journal. Group presentation on whatever. Digital image (photoshop) : Indesign shit.
So Chinese New Year is over and it is back to the lots of assignments period again. YAWN* And I seriously need to dump some things in my room man. You enter my room you will be like woah neat but when you open my cupboard...... *speechless* Yeah. I shall do it tomorrow! .... Or maybe not. I think I am gonna redo my Yummy Art photoshop assignment tomorrow cause the one I passed up sucks. I don't like it. I did that assignment in an hour. AN HOUR. And today's Photoshop lesson (Okay I shouldn't call it Photoshop lesson anymore cause we are on indesign CS4 now. I should just call it digital image since it is the actual name for this module) = Not that bad but the words our lecturer said flew out of my brain at the speed of 1000km/hour -__- Well I still manage to do it anyway so doesn't matter. I am damn tired.. ):