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Showing posts from April, 2012
Hi, The last time I did a proper post was like, 2 years ago. That was when I'm still in Nafa year 1. Time really flies... Tomorrow is the submission for my final year project already. So... Topic of the day: Nafa When I first stepped into Nafa, I know I'm going to love it here. cause it just felt so right. But I have never expected myself to be so attached to this school. The stress that Nafa gave us is not just stress, its the start of something new. This is the first time in my life I actually enjoy feeling stressful. I've never expected myself to be so so attached to my major (video production) as well.. the good bonds between the class... This is going to be cheesy but... Khai, Zaree, Seri, Kianyong, Marcus, Nina, Valen, Seetoh, Anoo, Raven: Thank you for being such awesome friend! I'm gonna miss all the jokes we have, I'm gonna miss all the times we spent together, I'm gonna miss seeing all your faces in class almost everyday, I'm gonna miss...