Hello! I'm back from Uncle Yew Kong house. Daddy, Mummy, Bro, Uncle Yew Kong, Aunt, Jason Korkor & his wife, Jasper korkor & his wife & Amanda my niece, Uncle Yew Kok, Aunt Joanne & Sharlene were there. Hahs. Had our dinner & talked. Watched TV & then off we go. Okay, Daddy, Mummy, Bro & I went to Chinatown and we almost fainted there -.- Wth, so damn crowded and hot. Noisy also. Eeyer. Then just when we were trying to squeeze out of the crowds, it turned 12 and BABOOM! Fireworks -.- Hahaha. AND, more people joined the crowds -.- We had a super hard time squeezing out and getting back to our car -.- Thank goodness we survived o.o Tomorrow going to Uncle Yew Kong house again. For buffet. This time almost everyone will be there. Hahs. Okay, I am off now. Pictures next time cause I am lazy to post it up now. LOL. Bye!